Guessing The Next Star Wars Jedi's Title: Survivor Game

Guessing The Next Star Wars Jedi's Title: Survivor Game

It’s been known for a while that a new game is being made after Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and recently, Respawn confirmed they are making a third game. 

Clearly, it raises hopes that it could come out sooner than we think. 

We don’t know exactly where the story will take Cal Kestis and his friends, but Respawn has said this will be the last game in the series. 

Since Cal isn’t in the Star Wars movies, this last game will wrap up his story.

The plot for the sequel is still a mystery, and we don’t have a title yet. 

However, by looking at how the last game ended and thinking about where the story might go next, we might be able to guess the title. 

Especially since the new game will likely follow the same naming pattern as the first two.

Star Wars Jedi: Legacy Looks Like the Most Likely Title for the Third Game

Out of all the possible titles for the next game in the Star Wars Jedi series, Star Wars Jedi: Legacy seems to be the most likely and popular choice among fans. 

The guess is based on a few factors, but one important thing to consider is that the title shouldn’t be too obvious. 

For example, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has a double meaning. "Survivor" refers to Cal, who is still alive ten years after Order 66, but it also relates to Bode Akuna, another Jedi who is revealed later in the story.

The third game might follow a similar idea, with a meaning that fans will easily recognize and another deeper meaning revealed in the story. 

If the title is Star Wars Jedi: Legacy, it makes sense because of the ending of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. 

In that ending, Cal remembers Cere and says, "We will carry on your legacy, Cere. And, of course, we will build something that can last even after the Empire is gone, I promise you that."

Star Wars Jedi: Legacy could also have a double meaning based on something that happens at the end of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. 

After Cal talks to himself and the late Cere, Cere appears to him in a vision and says, "Cal. 

Guide her through the darkness," referring to Kata, Bode's daughter. If Kata has the Force like her father, Cere is convincing Cal to train her to become a Jedi. 

If Cal decides to train Kata, he would be continuing Cere’s legacy of rebuilding the Jedi Order.

Since the word "legacy" is specifically mentioned at the end of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, it seems like a strong hint that it could be the next game's title. 

However, Respawn might surprise fans and choose a different title. 

Those include Star Wars Jedi: Rise or even Star Wars Jedi: Master, which would go in a different direction from the first game’s title named, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.