All Star Wars Lightsaber Forms Explained

All Star Wars Lightsaber Forms Explained

We've been Star Wars fans for many years, and we truly like each of the Jedi knights' fighting styles. 

There are about seven forms of lightsaber combat, and every Jedi picks the one they feel fits them the best. 

However, they usually use the style that suits the situation.

While Jedi are known for peaceful negotiations, they don’t get involved in fights, it does not mean they are unaware of lightsaber combat. 

With the evolution of lightsaber fighting styles, certain methods become outdated. 

Yet each of them is known for their practical and historical importance. 

So, what are those? 

  • Form I: Shii-Cho - A basic move that every youngling knows.
  • Form II: Makashi - Practiced by Count Dooku, and known as Contention Form. 
  • Form III: Soresu - Practiced by Obi-Wan, and known as Resilience Form. 
  • Form IV: Ataru - Practiced by Yoda, and Known as Aggression Form. 
  • Form V: Shien & Djem So. - Practiced by Anakin Skywalker. 
  • Form VI: Nirman - Practiced by Darth Maul. 
  • Form VII: Juyo & Vaapad - The Juyo variation Vaapad. Created and Used by Mace Windu. 

Form I: Shii-Cho


Developed during Jedi Order.


Creating a wall of defense against attackers. 

Famous Practitioners

Kit Fisto, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Count Dooku, Luke Skywalker, Meetra Surik, Cin Drallig, Master Kirlocca, Kento Marek, Galen Marek

Shii-Cho is the first and most basic lightsaber style. 

It’s like the foundation that you need to learn first before moving forward to learn other styles. The form is simple and easy to learn, which makes it great for beginners. 

Shii-Cho uses big, sweeping moves with the lightsaber and teaches you how to attack and defend from all directions.

Form II: Makashi


Introduced during Attack of the Clones.


gripping the saber, Footwork and stance, strikes and parries, dodging and counter-attacks. 

Famous Practitioners

Count Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Master Jerec, Kento Marek, Jax Pavan

Form II: Makashi was created by the Jedi during the Old Republic to fight against the Sith’s lightsaber style. 

It’s meant for one-on-one battles and focuses on being graceful and precise, not just strong. 

Makashi users concentrate on blocking and redirecting attacks rather than using brute force.

Count Dooku is the most famous user of Makashi in Jedi history. 

He was known for being an expert in this style and used a curved-hilt lightsaber, which helped him make smooth and complex moves that a straight saber couldn’t.

Form III: Soresu


Developed during the time of the Old Republic


Footwork, defensive maneuvers, stances, counter-attacks 

Famous Practitioners

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Coleman Trebor, Galen Marek

Form III: Soresu, also called the Way of the Mynock. It is amongst the defensive lightsaber combat forms developed by the Jedi. 

The warriors need to block blaster shots and lightsaber strikes while waiting for the right moment to counterattack. 

Soresu works well in both one-on-one fights and against multiple enemies. To master this style, you need patience, discipline, and a strong grasp of the Force.

Form IV: Ataru


Developed during Mandalorian Wars


The Forward Flip, The saber swarm, the spinning attack

Famous Practitioners

Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Weequay Jedi Sora Bulq, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Lannik Jedi Master Even Piell, Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto, Jax Pavan

Form IV Ataru is a lightsaber style from the planet Shili, created by the Jedi. It’s all about fast, energetic moves, including jumps and spins. 

The style helps the user move quickly, dodge attacks, and strike fast. 

Ataru is very aggressive and is great for attacking and catching opponents off guard.

Form V: Shien & Djem So.


originated from Form III masters for an offensive approach


Cho mai, Djem So, Shien

Famous Practitioners

Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, Galen Marek, Luke Skywalker, Jedi Battlemaster Skarch Vaunk , Devan For'deschel (Djem So), Aayla Secura, Kazdan Paratus (Shien), Luminara Unduli, Zelice Sturm, Khaat Qiyn, Sora Bulq, Adi Gallia, Even Piell, Plo Koon, and Cin Drallig

Form V: Shien/Djem So combines both defense and offense. 

It focuses on blocking your opponent's attacks. Further, they use their own movements to create a chance to strike back. 

The idea is to use your energy wisely while staying in control of the fight.

Form VI: Nirman


During the New Sith Wars, from 2000 to 1000 BBY


defensive and offensive techniques

Famous Practitioners

Grandmaster Yoda, Swordmaster Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku, Exar Kun, Darth Sidious

Form VI: Niman is a lightsaber style that emphasizes versatility and adaptability in different fight situations. 

It combines elements from several other styles, like Makashi, Shii-Cho, Soresu, and Ataru. Niman balances both attacking and defending. 

It’s like a “jack-of-all-trades” form—good at a bit of everything but not specialized in just one area.

Form VII: Juyo & Vaapad


Created by the Darth Traya, Sith Lord, during the Old Republic era


Lightning rod, twin suns, the way of the vornskr, ferocity, falling avalanche

Famous Practitioners

Cin Drallig, Yoda, Vrook Lamar, Kavar, Darth Sidious, Zez-Kai Ell, Galen Marek, Mace Windu, Sora Bulq, Depa Billaba

Juyo/Vaapad is one of the seven saber forms used by Jedi and Sith. It is also known as the  "The Ferocity Form" and "Way of the Vornskr."

Vaapad and Juyo are two branches of Form VII. Juyo is considered as the more aggressive, while Vaapad is more controlled and refined.

Form VII is known for its fast and unpredictable moves. That makes it hard for opponents to guess what will come next. 

It’s very difficult to master and needs a lot of physical and mental skill, strength, and endurance.