Decoding 7 Best Forms of Saber Combat in Star Wars

Let’s discuss the seven best combat saber styles in Star Wars, and find out which Jedi and Sith masters wield each form!
Lightsaber combat is an art form that allows the Jedi heritage to showcase their Force mastery and choice in lightsaber types. In Star Wars, we see Jedi Padawans journeying through different combat styles to discover their favorite, mirroring their choice in lightsaber colors.
The most skilled Jedi like Luke Skywalker, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi can master and fluidly switch between these forms, an exciting concept that future Star Wars movies might delve into!
If you are a Star Wars fan and want to mirror a style, you need a battle-ready saber.
Now, combining back to lightsaber combats from the Star Wars universe, let’s discuss the best ones:
1. Shii-Cho
Do you remember the iconic battle from Star Wars: The Clone Wars when all the Jedi came to take on Order 66? It was the time when they resorted to Shii-Cho.
Shii-Cho is said to be the first and simplest lightsaber combat form. It's Jedi’s go-to style, especially in tough situations, as seen during the intense moments of Order 66.
Although Shii-Cho is a basic form, it is powerful and aggressive. While Sith also learn it, they typically opt for fiercer techniques.
Mastering Shii-Cho requires inner peace, allowing Jedi to wield their lightsaber as an extension of themselves.
2. Soresu
Soresu is a form that emerges as an adaptation to deflecting more blaster bolts in an increasingly armed galaxy.
In Star Wars, the combat form becomes a key part of Jedi training, especially by the prequel era. It's not just effective but also a great way to harness the Force.
As Luke Skywalker explains in "Secrets of the Jedi," Padawans start Soresu by learning to block laser blasts blindfolded, tuning into the Force.
Soresu’s famous users like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kanan Jarrus have mastered it. Even Luke, trained by Obi-Wan, showcased his Form III skills in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope skillfully deflecting blaster fire aboard the Millennium Falcon.
3. Niman
Niman is the Jedi's unique combination of earlier lightsaber techniques, focusing on balance and harmony with the Force.
It's the last widely adopted form among the Jedi, created by those who aimed to achieve victory without overpowering their foes, striving for defense and justice without succumbing to the lure of power.
Interestingly, Darth Maul, Darth Sidious' apprentice, uses Niman in "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace," an unexpected twist given its Jedi origins.
Niman is one of the best combat sabers, known for combining lightsaber skills with Force abilities, making it a favorite among Jedi less interested in combat and more in the holistic use of the Force.
4. Ataru
Ataru is an intensely aggressive lightsaber style. Known for its Force-enhanced acrobatics, this form is mastered by Jedi with strong Force abilities.
Ataru is good for one-on-one duels, aiming for quick, decisive victories.
Masters of Ataru use their environment to launch unexpected, sweeping strikes, keeping their opponents constantly on guard.
Yoda's battles with Count Dooku in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and Darth Sidious in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith are classic examples of Ataru in action.
While Ataru is aggressive in nature, its practitioners prone to the dark side's allure, Yoda’s use of Ataru showcases his exceptional strength in resisting this temptation.
This form is also a favorite among the Sith, demonstrating its powerful and dynamic nature.
5. Shien & Djem So
This lightsaber combat form from the Star Wars universe is an offensive approach.
Shien excels in deflecting blaster shots from a distance, while Djem So, preferred by Ahsoka Tano for its unique reverse grip, is ideal for direct lightsaber combat.
Anakin Skywalker was particularly drawn to Shien & Djem So’s versatility.
However, some Jedi viewed Shien and Djem So skeptically, considering them too aggressive and straying from the Jedi's defensive use of the Force.
A former Jedi, Baylan's departure from the Order mirrors his adoption of Shien and Djem So, adapting these styles to suit his uniquely heavy lightsaber, as vividly showcased in his dynamic battles in "Ahsoka."
6. Makashi
Makashi emerged as lightsabers became more prevalent among both Jedi and Sith.
This elegant lightsaber combat style is for the highly skilled, focusing on precision and control rather than brute force, making it ideal for one-on-one duels.
The form also adapts well to innovative lightsaber designs, like the crossguard lightsabers used during the Hundred Years of Darkness or dual wielding with a shoto blade, as seen with Ahsoka Tano.
Makashi's popularity waned when the Sith were thought to be extinct, but some Jedi, like Ki-Adi-Mundi, continued its practice.
Count Dooku, a master of Makashi, was renowned galaxy-wide for his formidable dueling skills. Ironically, his pride in this expertise might have contributed to his fall to the dark side, turning Makashi towards Sith methodologies.
7. Juyo
Also known as Vaapad, Juyo is one of the most debated lightsaber forms whose roots go back to the earliest days of the Jedi.
Unlike other styles, Juyo taps into a Jedi's emotions, fueling a fierce and unyielding attack strategy. This emotional aspect led the Jedi to ban Form VII for a considerable period.
However, Jedi Master Mace Windu reinvented Juyo into a variant called Vaapad. It allows Windu to harness and direct his inner darkness towards noble Jedi causes, thus balancing the light and dark within.
Despite this innovation, Windu was cautious about teaching Vaapad to others. He knew the risks involved: if not mastered correctly, it could lead practitioners to be overwhelmed by their emotions, a danger he himself had managed to avoid.
Which is the best combat saber style, according to you?
If you wish to replicate one of these forms, make sure you have a battle-ready lightsaber.
May the Force be with you!