Mystery Behind Anakin Skywalker's Father Finally Revealed!

Mystery Behind Anakin Skywalker's Father Finally Revealed!

The Force is especially strong in the Skywalker’s blood. 

Although Star Wars has many mysteries, but the mystery surrounding Anakin’s birth is fans-favorite. Fans have always asked this one question that led to intense debate: Who is Anakin Skywalker's father? 

According to his mother, Anakin was conceived without a father, possibly through the intervention of midi-chlorians. But some fans speculate that Emperor Palpatine might be Anakin's father.

In the Star Wars universe, the concept of conception through midi-chlorians is related to the mystical nature of the Force. Midi-chlorians are microscopic, intelligent life forms that exist inside the cells of all living beings. They are responsible for acting as a conduit between the Force and the physical world. 

The idea of conception through midi-chlorians might seem impossible to some fans. But in the galaxy, it may be a reason for Anakin’s creation. 

How Midi-chlorian Conception is Possible in the Star Wars

1. Manipulation of the Force: In Star Wars lore, powerful Force users, such as Darth Plagueis and Emperor Palpatine, are said to have the ability to manipulate midi-chlorians. Thus, it's possible that manipulation by those aligned with the dark side could create life.

2. The Chosen One Prophecy:
One of the brilliant masters of Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn, had the prophecy of the Chosen One, who would bring balance to the Force. Jinn even shares his belief with the Jedi High Council that Force might have intervened to create Anakin as he matches midi-chlorian test results. 

If the slave boy’s birth is the result of the vergence in the Force, the theory that he’s born without a father is true. But if the Chosen One is the result of the manipulation of Force performed by Emperor Palpatine and his master, Darth Plagueis, it’s possible for Palpatine to be his father. 

Let’s decode what the possible theory is that suggests who is Anakin Skywalker's dad. 

Theory 1: Shmi Skywalker’s Claims It a Virgin Birth 

Anakin’s mother, Shmi Skywalker, claims that "There was no father. I carried him, gave birth, and raised him, but I can't explain what happened." 

Anakin was born on the deserted Tatooine planet, and it is said that his blood contained over twenty thousand chlorians, surpassing Grand Master Yoda and all other Jedi in the galaxy far, far away. That’s why Qui-Gon Jinn believes him to be the Chosen One. And it was the Jinn theory that he was conceived by the chlorians. 

Theory 2: Jedi Master Suggests Midi-Chlorians Conceived Skywalker

This revelation was a major focus in the Star Wars prequels when Qui-Gon Jinn sensed an unprecedented "vergence of the Force" and questioned the Skywalker’s parentage. Due to the Skywalker’s strong connection, he assumed the Force itself was the boy’s father that blessed him with exceptional skills. 

However, as the story of Star Wars expands, it is revealed that the dark side manipulates the Force. His birth is somehow linked to Darth Sidious and his master, Darth Plagueis, who might have played a role in his creation.

Theory 3: Is Darth Sidious Anakin Skywalker’s Father? 

Sidious always had a wish to turn Anakin to the dark side. He thought Anakin would aid him in dominating the galaxy and eliminating the Jedi Order. 

This theory is most popular among fans. It has a high possibility of being true as it suggests that Palpatine and his master, Darth Plagueis, were key players in Anakin's birth. 

After all, why would Sidious choose Anakin over highly skilled Sith masters like Count Dooku and Darth Maul out of the blue? 

In Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine shares a story with Anakin about Darth Plagueis the Wise, a Sith Lord who could manipulate midi-chlorians to create life. This tale has led many fans to assume that Palpatine may have indirectly hinted at his or Plagueis' involvement in Anakin's creation.

Plagueis was obsessed with cheating death and manipulating life. His experiments with midi-chlorians are well-known in Sith lore. 

Fan Speculations

According to a fan on Reddit, “If we look at the facts, Shmi lives on Tatooine, which is well-known for being a hive of scum and villainy, controlled by the Hutt Cartel, and she is also a slave. From my point of view, it's quite likely that Anakin has a real father.”

Logical but dark theory about Anakin's Father
byu/yrjola inStarWarsTheories

Other Star Wars fans argue that if Anakin doesn't have a biological father, then neither Sidious nor Plagueis can be considered his father in any sense.

byu/avocado_juice_J from discussion

What Does Star Wars Have to Say?

Anakin's birth remains a mystery in the Star Wars universe. Palpatine's ominous tale of Darth Plagueis hints at the dark side's power to create life. However, there's no solid evidence in the current canon that Palpatine himself directly influenced Anakin's conception. 

This tantalizing possibility leaves fans still speculating and debating. Without concrete proof, the truth remains shrouded in the shadows of the Force.

Let us know what you think about these theories and who Anakin’s father is!