Did Star Wars fans Reject The Acolyte? Here’s What They Said

Did Star Wars fans Reject The Acolyte? Here’s What They Said

Star Wars: The Acolyte has 3.5 IMDb ratings. 

With only four episodes out by June 18, The Acolyte has already sparked a heated debate among Star Wars fans. This latest installment in the Star Wars universe has been met with a mixed reception, with some fans expressing their dissatisfaction.   

Unhappy with the canon lore presented in The Acolyte, Star Wars fans took to social media to voice their discontent. In their critiques, they were clear that this time, Disney couldn't deflect the blame onto the fans-they were the ones responsible for the disappointment. 

A popular Star Wars fan, StarWarsTheory, tweet on social media site X:

Apart from social media, fans went to IMDb to rate the show. Below are the results:

Directed by Leslye Headland, The Acolyte was released on June 4, 2024. Although the first season is expected to have 8 episodes, fans have rejected the series after the initial four episodes.    

What are your opinions on the latest Star Wars series?