Star Wars Has Turned One of the Obi-Wan's Lesson Into a Lie

Star Wars Has Turned One of the Obi-Wan's Lesson Into a Lie

Star Wars has made one of Obi-Wan Kenobi's famous lines seem a bit misleading or at least a bit hypocritical. 

Obi-Wan is well-known for his clever one-liners, ranking up there with characters like Princess Leia and Han Solo. But he also sometimes makes statements that are questionable.

This started in the original trilogy when Obi-Wan told Luke Skywalker that, "from a certain point of view," he hadn’t lied when he said Darth Vader killed Luke’s father. 

The trend continued in the prequels, especially when he said in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith that "Only a Sith deals in absolutes," a statement that seems pretty off-base. 

Now, yet another well-known line from Obi-Wan has been shown to be incorrect in the Star Wars universe.

Why A Lightsaber Is So Important To A Jedi?

Lightsabers are more than just weapons for the Jedi; they symbolize their connection to the Force. 

That connection comes from kyber crystals, which power the lightsabers and give them their colors. 

Kyber crystals are considered "alive," and Jedi form a bond with them. 

The bond is especially clear in the practice where young Jedi find their kyber crystals on the planet Ilum, as the crystals seem to "call" to them.

With the unique relationship between Jedi and their kyber crystals, Obi-Wan Kenobi's warning to Anakin Skywalker makes a complete sense. 

In Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan tells Anakin, "The weapon is your life," scolding him for losing his lightsaber. 

But Some Jedi Has a Lot of Lightsabers

Obi-Wan's comment about Anakin's lightsaber suggests that Jedi should have one lightsaber that they protect and value as if it were their own life. 

However, many Jedi actually use multiple lightsabers. 

For example, Master Yoda is one of them. But Ahsoka Tano is a great example of this, too, as she changed her lightsabers throughout the Star Wars timeline.

In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka started with one green lightsaber but later switched to two green lightsabers. Then, she used two blue lightsabers. 

After The Clone Wars, she changed to two white lightsabers. It was seen in Star Wars Rebels, The Mandalorian, and Ahsoka. 

The entire scenario shows that it's common for Jedi to change their lightsabers, whether it's the color or the style. 

Obi-Wan likely knew this, which raises questions about his criticism of Anakin.

Obi-Wan's Instruction Is More Than A Little Hypocritical, Too

Many Jedi have multiple lightsabers, which makes Obi-Wan's claim that Anakin's lightsaber is his life seem hypocritical, especially considering Obi-Wan's own history. 

In fact, Obi-Wan lost his lightsaber several times, including in Revenge of the Sith, when Commander Cody had to return it to him just before Order 66. 

He also lost his first lightsaber in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace when Darth Maul kicked it down a shaft.

The way Obi-Wan lost his lightsaber in The Phantom Menace is important to note. Just like any weapon, lightsabers can get lost or broken, often due to circumstances outside a Jedi's control. 

Obi-Wan criticized Anakin for losing his saber, but he himself did the same thing, which shows that his statement missed the point.

While it's true that a lightsaber is very important and a Jedi should take care of it, Obi-Wan exaggerated when he said it was Anakin's "life" and when he scolded Anakin for something that happens to many Jedi. Did Anakin act recklessly in Attack of the Clones? Yes. 

But he wasn’t the only Jedi to lose or break a lightsaber, as Obi-Wan himself demonstrated.