Daisy Ridley Came Back to Star Wars When They Had a Story to Tell

Daisy Ridley Came Back to Star Wars When They Had a Story to Tell

Last year, Daisy Ridley, who plays Rey Skywalker, excited fans by announcing her return to the Star Wars universe. 

She had previously talked about the stress she felt while playing such a big role in this famous franchise. 

Now, she says her decision to return was greatly influenced by the exciting ideas and script for her new movie, which is rumored to be called Star Wars: New Jedi Order.

Ridley’s movie isn’t the only new project in the Star Wars universe, but it’s one of the most eagerly awaited. 

While details about Star Wars: New Jedi Order are still scarce and the film won’t come out until at least 2026, Ridley recently shared her excitement about revisiting Rey's story 15 years after The Rise of Skywalker. 

In an interview with Premiere, she mentioned that she didn’t have a contract with Disney to return but decided to do so after hearing the new film’s concept. 

My thinking is very simple,” Ridley said. “If I didn’t think the story was worth telling, I wouldn’t have come back.”

This is great news for fans who think Daisy Ridley’s first performances in the Star Wars sequel trilogy were affected by some not-so-great creative choices—much like how many fans feel about the prequel movies. 

Ridley’s excitement for the script and the idea behind Star Wars: New Jedi Order hints that another well-loved Star Wars film could be on the way. One fan commented, “If Hayden and the others deserve another chance,” referring to Hayden Christensen who played Anakin Skywalker, “then so does she.”

What Does Ridley’s Return Mean for Rey and the Future of Star Wars?

Daisy Ridley has been open about the challenges she faced playing Rey as a new actress, but in recent interviews, she’s talked about feeling more confident and mature now, which makes her excited to take on those challenges again. 

While we don’t know much about the story of Star Wars: New Jedi Order, it could show a very different Rey, reflecting Ridley’s growth since the last Star Wars trilogy. 

Some sources have even suggested that the new movie might explore Rey becoming a teacher for young Jedi, highlighting her new maturity.

Right now, much of the future of Star Wars is still uncertain. Disney has announced several upcoming films and TV shows in the Star Wars universe, but there haven’t been many updates, which makes it unclear if all those projects will happen. 

However, since there’s already a script, it seems that Ridley will return as Rey in New Jedi Order, and if fans like the movie and her character, there could be more sequels in the future.